Friday, April 16, 2021

What are the benefits of security cameras for the logistics industry

 Currently, the logistics sector in India does not stop growing. Even at the time of the COVID-19 pandemic, the market's demand for the segment only increases. Thus, if we go for the numbers, the country registered a growth of 400% in the opening of virtual stores since the beginning of the quarantine, and the number of online purchases by 387%.

 What is the result of this? A greater number of deliveries and material handling in general. Therefore, with all this increase, there is also a need to protect all this stored material. And for that, there are Electronic Security Systems, with security cameras, CCTV Camera Repair in Delhi.

 But after all, how does it work? How important is a security camera? Let's understand a little more about them.

 Security cameras: types

 In advance, the current market offers a number of options, with a range of prices ranging from lower to higher values. Thus, some models sold in India are:


  • Cameras with HD or Full HD technology, Infrared: have sensors that light up when they detect low light, maintaining the image quality in B&W and HD. We find in the HD and Full HD cameras the model, Dome and Bullet, which is the external protection box of the camera that is used according to the environment.
  • Cameras with HD technology: with 4 Megs or 4K, they also have infrared, but with superior quality, to identify details. We find in the models of the aforementioned cameras, Dome and Bullet, which is the external protection box of the camera, used according to the environment.
  • Cameras with technology, HD or Full HD Color or Starlight! They are cameras that, even in the dark or in low light, keep the images in color We find in the models of the cameras mentioned, Dome and Bullet, which is the external protection box of the camera, used according to the environment.
  • IP camera: they are cameras with a technology that presents functions of Web server, FTP and can operate with several security and network protocols. The IP camera can be configured to send videos over a network, in short, it comes with an internal server, which sends the images directly to the internet, or to an NVD recorder. We find in the models of the aforementioned cameras, Dome and Bullet, which is the external protection box of the camera, used according to the environment.
  • Varifocal cameras: are cameras that have a variation of lenses with internal adjustments and can reach distances that a common camera does not reach, or bring an image closer. They are found in models, HD and IP, with protection boxes, Dome and Bullet, used according to the environment.
  • Fisheye cameras: are cameras that have 180º to 360º vision, depending on the location and height that is installed. They are used only indoors.
  • Speed ​​Dome Cameras: are cameras that have a 360º view, used in parking lots, shopping malls, industries, usually in places that have a monitoring center, where the person responsible for monitoring the images, can zoom in when he sees something happening. In this way they can activate security, for the necessary measures.
  • Among other models for specific projects, we can call Special cameras: the LPR camera that makes automatic plate reading, the camera that does Facial Recognition and People Counting, cameras with integrated temperature meter, among other models, not mentioned.
  • Therefore, the choice of camera will depend on the location. They have different ranges with variations of fixed and varifocal lenses, as well as special models for specific environments, therefore, they need to be installed in strategic locations so that the project is in accordance with what was determined and that the entire perimeter is within reach. your lenses!

 Generally, the logistics sectors of the companies are the most watched, after all, they are the ones that contain the material that produces the gain of the same.

 Importance of the camera for the logistics sector

 In addition to allowing carriers to offer real-time information to their customers, it is possible to be aware of any occurrence that may impact the delivery of the product.

 In addition, it acts in the prevention of theft and accidents. As we know, the camera does not prevent the action. However, tracking and images allow you to obtain accurate information about everything that is happening!

 Another essential factor is that, the production of videos, makes it possible to investigate episodes of vandalism and suspicious actions. The manager can also identify errors in operations, such as deviations and incorrect handling of products, especially of dangerous and high-value cargo.

 Finally, accompanying, for example, the driver through cameras installed in the vehicle, also helps in the expertise of traffic accidents. That way, it is easy to discover any infraction, such as speeding, door openings and braking, which can damage the material!

 Disadvantages of not using cameras for the industry

 First of all, the feeling of insecurity is the main reason! Without an efficient camera system, there is no way to know what is going on! As a result, there are losses, whether in property, or human capital.

 In addition, all management is compromised! The camera system helps to improve the performance of carriers, because it records data and creates important reports for smarter decision making.

 Reference in security systems

 One of the main features at Damatiinfotech is the service provided by a highly trained and thorough team, attentive to all the details that involve the installation of a CCTV system. Damatiinfotech also develops projects for camera systems, analyzing the strategic points of installation and application according to the needs of each client.

 In this way, it guarantees the efficiency, CCTV  Suppliers in Noida, tranquility and full functioning of the Electronic Security System of all the places within its patrimony, observing everything that happens in the place, either through a company monitoring center or through recordings. 24 hour recording and internet access.

Thursday, April 1, 2021


 Summer is coming and surely you are already planning your vacations, but who is in charge of watching over the house? If you want to enjoy a vacation without worrying about the security of your home, don't think twice and install video surveillance cameras! In today's post we have gathered a series of reasons why to install video surveillance cameras in your home or office. If you want to know more, keep reading, we will tell you!


Video surveillance cameras are an essential element in our home, as they give us peace of mind when we are away from home for a long period of time. These cameras provide high quality images allowing local or remote monitoring of images and audio, which is stored in such a way that it can be viewed later or in real time. For this reason, we have compiled a series of reasons why to install this type of cameras, among which we highlight:

 1. The main reason is to have a constant monitoring of your home or office, that is, a 24-hour control wherever you are.

2. Another reason to install video surveillance cameras is that you can see who is accessing your house before opening the door.

3. Thanks to these cameras you can have evidence to show the police in case of theft, and easily recognize the thief.

4. In addition, a home with a security camera will deter potential burglars or robbers.

 These are some of the reasons to CCTV Camera Installation in Noida. If you are still undecided or have any questions about it, you can fill out any of our forms; we will take care of answering all the questions you have.

 Protect your home with video surveillance cameras!

 Video surveillance cameras are a perfect complement to the security of our home. If you are interested in installing video surveillance cameras in Noida of the best quality-price, you can contact us through any of our telephone numbers +91 9971737435, +91 9999737435, or if you prefer, you can do so at Through our, we will contact you completely free of charge.

 We invite you to take a look at our website, where you will find all the services we offer and the solutions we have prepared for each case. We want to be your trusted security camera installation company! Call us!

Do you know the different image resolutions in CCTV?

 Many people still believe that surveillance systems, like CCTV , still work through black and white images, with constant interference that overturn the capture at all times. But that is not true! There are several resolution options, according to the needs of each user and taking into account the desired coverage area.

 In this article, we will learn about the most advanced modes of image resolution for your surveillance system. All resolutions that we will address fall into the distinctive high definition category!

 HD Resolution

 HD corresponds to 720p, equivalent to 120 pixels wide and 720 high. For those who remember the time when videos only reached 360p, it is quite an evolution, giving a wide dose of sharpness in the image. In total, HD images operate at 1 megapixel, or 1MP, resolution.

 The cameras that operate with 720p are already a good addition to the surveillance system of any company or residence, not least because they can be used in structures with analog signal that provide support for digital recording. They can also integrate IP systems (via network or Wi-Fi cables).

 HD is generally used in homes, both outside and inside the home. Provides a good resolution, suitable for this type of demand.

 There is no great zoom capability, but the service is sufficient to cover particular properties. The price, too, is more affordable compared to advanced systems

 Full HD resolution

 A direct evolution of HD, Full HD is a very popular resolution on the market today, as it is used by most TVs and notebooks - providing video and movie viewing in Blu-ray resolution.

 Surveillance cameras that operate with this definition are capable of transmitting images of 1920 x 1080 pixels, which corresponds to a final resolution of 1080p or 2MP. Full HD can also be integrated with systems that work with analog or IP signal.

 It is a solution adopted by those who prioritize more complete monitoring and want to monitor more extensive areas, which makes the camera system at this resolution a great measure to provide sharpness and detail in the captured images.

 It is ideal for protecting companies of different sizes, as high definition facilitates the identification of strangers, movements and objects, facilitating the transmission of high-level images to the authorities.

 Already in external and internal areas of homes, Full HD cameras will provide a wide mapping of details useful for your security, with a great zoom level to identify faces.

 4MP resolution

 The next in the line of evolution is 4MP. Cameras and other video devices that work with this line operate at 2688 x 1520 pixels, an increase that is quite visible compared to Full HD CCTV Camera Installation in Noida.

 Users who have homes with larger perimeters and medium and large companies already use this resolution, capable of covering many meters with just one device.

 The good news is that devices that operate with 4MP also accept both analog signal and digital solution via IP.

 This resolution can be found in dome, bullet models and also in those known as speed dome and fisheye, with several resources for monitoring images, making the system much more intelligent.

 These cameras will provide an optimized level of image capture and identification for those responsible for the surveillance system. They are mainly used in large properties and businesses, such as shopping malls and supermarkets.

 Some IP Prime line products provide optimized intruder detection, automatic people tracking, and detection of abnormal audio shapes, perform people counts and even offer heavy features for face detection and zoom.

 4 K Resolutions

 And, finally, the most modern and updated in terms of image and precision for closed circuit surveillance systems. 4K technology, also known as Ultra HD, is the most powerful and aimed at those who take property security really seriously , be it a large home or large company.

 This technology has a differentiated pixel density (reaching 8MP), enhancing the capture and monitoring in real time. It presents the sharpest images and corresponds to what we see outside the camera.

 It is essential to recognize details that can go unnoticed in equipment with more modest definitions. For comparison, 4K cameras have about four times the resolution power than Full HD models - which, as we have seen, already provide an adequate resolution to protect your home or business.

 With this high image resolution, it will be possible to highlight more subtle details that can identify suspicious people, such as tattoos, hair styles or specific clothes.

 In technical terms, 4K guarantees screens with a resolution of 3840 x 2160 pixels, totaling 8,294,400 pixels on the television panel.

 This way, it becomes more difficult to perceive the points that make up the image (the pixels) on the screen. 3D films that fill movie theaters around the world use this definition when passed on to TVs under the same conditions.

 Although countries internationally recognized for heavy investments in technology, such as Japan, are already testing resolutions like 8K, 4K is still not widespread in the country. This means that obtaining equipment that operates with this image power guarantees an undeniable competitive advantage for the surveillance of your business.

 As we saw in the article, there are many options for image resolution for CCTVs. The most basic of the definitions covered in this article, HD, already provides a good level of security for leaner homes and businesses.

 Fortunately, it is possible to increase protection according to the needs of each user. There is even the possibility that the level of surveillance employed will evolve with the growth of your business. And, for those who want to cover wide areas with high sharpness and increase their CCTV, 4K appears as a powerful option.

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Tuesday, March 16, 2021

What exactly is a CCTV camera system?

 CCTV is the acronym for Closed Circuit Television (or Closed Circuit Television). The expression "Closed Circuit" means that it is an installation of directly connected components that create an image circuit that cannot be seen by another person outside of it. And it differs from broadcasting ordinary television signals in that they can be seen by anyone with an antenna or other equipment to receive them, while CCTV cannot.

 CCTVs are customized to suit the nature and security needs of each client . The ideal CCTV system should provide good quality images during the day and also at night, and it should also be easy to use and flexible, to record images that serve as useful evidence and help analyze incidents. If the images are not quality, then it will be of little use.

How does a CCTV camera system work?

 There are many different CCTV camera systems available, analog and digital, wired and wireless, and their ways of operating vary. However, the basic components are basically the same: CCTV cameras, a CCTV lens, a CCTV monitor, and (for wired systems) the cables that carry the signal from one site to another.

 The received images are sent to a CCTV monitor and recorded. Depending on the lens, the camera may have one range or another of vision. The camera picks up the signal from the area being monitored, and in wired systems, the CCTV Camera Installer near Me sends the signal through a coaxial cable to the CCTV monitor. In wireless systems, the camera emits the signal without the need for cables. The monitors can be observed by qualified personnel or not be supervised in real time by anyone.

 Recent advances in technology and software make it possible for many recorders to now be equipped with motion recording or incident reporting. With motion recording, devices will only record when CCTV cameras detect motion. This saves storage space during periods of inactivity. Event notification consists of the process of sending text, telephone or email messages when activity is detected.

 This is particularly effective for teams without human supervision. Recorded information can be stored or viewed by those with access whenever they want. Many of today's recorders also have an Internet connection so images can be accessed remotely with a computer or even a mobile phone.

 A multi-camera CCTV system?

 Most systems today consist of more than one camera, but you don't need a monitor and recorder for each of them. Multiple CCTV cameras can share monitor and hard drive. There are computers that, for example, separate the screen into four to view four images, or that allow you to choose which camera you want to view. However, the most common way to control several cameras is with a multiplexer, which incorporates the previous services with a code, with which you can then see the camera you want knowing that code. Before multiplexers and recorders were separate, but now units have been developed that do it all.

Who needs a CCTV video surveillance system?

 CCTV systems can be found practically everywhere today . You may have seen them in shopping malls, building exteriors, in football stadiums ... the list is endless. And a CCTV camera system is becoming more and more common in home situations. CCTV systems are also no longer a luxury, especially considering the level of security they provide.

 The commercial sector can be used for different purposes, such as to have evidence of an incident or to fight against fraudulent complaints. And of course to avoid theft, of course.

 What you want and what you need

 These days a CCTV camera system can be designed to suit any scenario you can imagine . For example, cameras can be internal or external, visible or covered, static or remote controllable. You can have a single camera or hundreds, record a day or weeks. With a proper internet connection you can keep an eye on your property even when you are away.

 Why should you get a quality CCTV system?

 In about 70% of cases, CCTV recordings are useless as evidence because the quality is not good enough. This can be due to poor design or poor system installation, so it is tremendously important to seek professional advice.

You should only go to a company that can demonstrate its experience in designing and CCTV Camera Installation in Gurgaon. Most importantly, you must be able to trust that the company you choose will listen and understand you.

Monday, March 1, 2021

What is the importance of property security in companies?


When we think about the material aspect of a business, we usually take into account only what it produces, often forgetting the goods that make up its collection. Considering property security in companies becomes important precisely because it estimates equipment, physical and digital data and all the materialist that constitutes it.

 Think that without them your company would not exist and that large investments were made to acquire them. Therefore, ensuring their safety becomes even a way of valuing what you already have.

 If you want to better understand the importance of property security in developments, keep reading and learn from the information below!

 What is property security?

 We can say that property security is a set of preventive measures, which aims to ensure that the property losses of a certain company are reduced or avoided. This considering both companies, organizations and institutions, such as homes and  condominiums .

 Thus, property security has the purpose of guaranteeing protection for all the interests of the company that are related to the existing financial resources, its human resources and its physical assets (represented by equipment, facilities, vehicle stocks, etc.).

 Why is property security so important for companies?

 Imagine that your business is doing well, with good productivity and good financial return. However, let us also imagine that it has never crossed your mind to take care of the safety of the items that make up your enterprise.

 If there is any type of accident that puts all the material to be lost or the company suffers some type of theft, theft or even a cyber crime, with invasion of sensitive data by hackers, you will be prepared to deal with it and keep the business running?

 It is worth mentioning that certain businesses, such as exchange offices and car transporters, make property security an indispensable aspect of their activities. Dealing with cash all the time is not simple, nor does it take care of a fleet of vehicles, so they leave no room for carelessness when it comes to property security.

 Even if your case is not one of the above, it is important that you change the way you have dealt with your company's assets. Read on to learn how to do this correctly.

 Perimeter security

 It is necessary to add as much difficulty as possible between the internal and external areas to be protected. This should be done by designing electronic and physical perimeter barrier systems. Perimeter sensors, high walls and electric fences, for example, are some of the devices that must be considered, analyzing, of course, the particularity of each location.

 Good perimeter security must basically make it more difficult to overcome physical barriers. For this, it is possible to create access difficulties with cutting devices, such as skewers, concertinas and broken glass, or electric fence raising the height of the barrier, for example.

 How to improve corporate security?

 Check out some tips to improve corporate security below!

 Assess the structure of the company

 Do you know your business well? Do you know which items are essential for its functioning? What are the most fragile areas of your company if you suffer any type of accident or crime? Questions like these can point to the fragility of property security, so you need to be aware of them.

 In addition to these initial questions, you must reflect on other aspects.

  • if I work in retail, how can I prevent theft and theft inside my store?
  • if i work behind closed doors, how can i receive deliveries and outsiders without jeopardizing my assets and employees?
  • which areas of my company are most vulnerable to fires, structural problems and other likely accidents?
  • what points of my business give loopholes for criminal actions, including those who commit crimes in the virtual environment?

 These questions can give the first directions on how to develop efficient property security, however, we need to go further to do this correctly - we will talk more about this point in the next topics.

 Have a prevention program

 It is not always the alarm or the presence of cameras that will prevent criminals from acting, is it? There are certain preventive measures capable of generating a much more significant effect by anticipating possible crimes that could happen in the work environment.

 Such procedures are known as a prevention program, that is, a series of daily attitudes to be adopted by everyone in the company in order to prevent certain carelessness from making room for  criminal action . The great advantage of this is that these measures can be carried out both by enterprises that already have all the safety equipment and by those that do not yet have such resources.

 Some of the main parameters of a good prevention program are:

  • care in the attendance at the gate, always checking the name of the person who calls, the agreed time for that professional to come, etc .;
  • when receiving some delivery at the company, give preference to the employee to go to the gate, preventing outsiders from entering the establishment;
  • consider the possibility of placing a receptacle at the gate that dispenses with the need for its opening to receive deliveries;
  • at the end of the day, check the lock on all doors and windows and prevent the employee from being alone at the time of departure;
  • having telephone lines easily available in case it is necessary to call the police or the fire department;
  • take maximum advantage of the company's security equipment, such as cameras, electronic locking doors, sensors and other devices.

 On the last point, it is worth noting that the investment in safety equipment not only enhances but simplifies the performance of all previous procedures. If you have an intercom with camera and audio at the gate it is much simpler to make sure who is at the entrance making the call, for example.

 Adopt a CCTV Dealers in Noida

 The  Closed Circuit Television  (CCTV) is a resource composed of  cameras  and  video recorders  and that allows you to monitor your company from anywhere - whether within the business itself, or remotely via a  notebook  or  mobile phone application. It all depends on the system you will acquire for your venture.

 One of its great advantages, in addition to monitoring the activities of employees during working hours, is the possibility of registering the images and forwarding them to the authorities in the event of an offense.

 There is also the factor that security cameras can, yes, inhibit the action of criminals, even having objects that imitate them being sold on the market. However, an imitation of nothing will do any good if something really happens, so do not go that way, because the cheap can be expensive.

 Train your team

 Ensuring the security of your business assets also requires good training of the team. And what team are we talking about? It can be either that formed by your employees or that of the watchman or doorman of the building where your business is located.

 If your company has a doorman, guard or even a private security guard, then you must be attentive to professional training so that they perform the job properly. Many in charge of this task may be performing their duties without the least preparation and training. It is inevitable to say that such a situation becomes the favorable context for criminals to act, who will know how to deceive or control them in a more extreme situation.

 Also think that you should be legally accountable for what happens to your employees in the workplace. In situations such as an assault, for example, this is understood by the law as an accident at work, so the company is responsible for the physical, moral or psychological damages that can afflict employees.

 Own or outsourced security?

 See what are the differences between direct contracting (own security) and the outsourced company (outsourcing) below!

 Direct contracting

 In this scenario, security managers and other professionals who are involved with the sector, such as security guards and porters, are directly hired. First of all, it must be taken into account that, when hiring security professionals, a company will allocate capital and personnel resources in a task that is not the one for which it was created.

 Thus, it will divert resources from what could be much more advantageous for its core activity. It is also important to make clear that the company that decides on direct hiring will have to invest in recycling and training of its professionals, which will require the hiring of specialized courses, remembering that the costs are usually quite significant.

 It should also be noted that, however good a security team may be, it will act in a restricted way to the procedures of that specific company. This ends up limiting the knowledge of new technologies, the ability to improve techniques and the adoption of other productive procedures that can be developed based on external experiences.

 Specialized company

 On the other hand, when hiring a third-party security service, you eliminate all these inconveniences, bringing additional benefits. We can mention, for example, the saving of financial resources. After all, personnel management, carried out by specialized companies, aims to achieve the best use of employees with a focus on productivity, avoiding unnecessary hiring.

 As for training, the benefits that outsourcing services offer are unbeatable. After all, the recycling and training of personnel are continuous actions, developed by our own teams, based on the most modern studies available for the security segment and, of course, on the experience acquired in the exercise of the activity. As a result, practices are not stagnant.

 As you can see, property security is essential in companies, so be sure to invest! Make the most of the  information  we quote here in order to guarantee the protection of everything that constitutes your business.

 Now that you know the importance of   property security in companies, take the opportunity to subscribe to our newsletter and stay on top of the best content on how to keep your business protected!


Damati Infotech Security Camera Systems

 In an era where security is paramount, investing in advanced technology to safeguard homes and businesses has become imperative. Among the ...